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Youth Empowerment Scheme
Majority of youth are engaged in informal sector activities as shop assistants, farm hands, clerical assistants, typists, stewards and cooks in hotels and restaurants, in street trading, casual labour and illegal activities such as touting, stealing, armed robbery, dealing in prohibited substances such as drugs, and prostitution. Only a small proportion of youth are engaged in the formal sector.

Many of them, male and female, are to be found along the streets of major cities, selling apples, oranges, telephone cards, telephone handsets, calculators and other assorted goods.Most employed youth are in the informal sector, some of them as skilled hairdressers, dressmakers, petty traders, etc. Many young women, for lack of better opportunities, are engaged in prostitution in towns and

cities. A large proportion of youth are thus underemployed, working long hours under poor working conditions, for little remuneration mainly in the informal sector. They are too many youth without the necessary qualifications and training for good

productive jobs, too few jobs, and too many unproductive jobs with poor remuneration. The quality of jobs available to youth is therefore important

Many young women drop out of school because of teenage pregnancy and marriage or financial difficulties where parents prefer to educate male children. Furthermore, girls spend more time doing domestic work than boys, leaving them with less time for study, this leads to poorer performance in school and sometimes withdrawal from school on grounds of poor academic performance. Girls therefore end up with less education and fewer skills than boys, this increases discrimination against them in the labour market.

Our Aim is to:

  • To provide high quality micro-credit services on a significant scale to aspiring youth entrepreneurs, with a special focus on young women,
  • To enhance skills development and training for the employment of young people in formal and informal sectors.
  • To bring out the potential that is already there in the youth.
  • To develop entrepreneurship training and business development support services, organise support to existing and new youth businesses provided through start-up capital and skills development and training programmes organised for the employment of youths in formal and informal sectors.
  • To support the empowerment of the Youths through the creation of decent and productive employment opportunities in small and medium sized enterprises.
  • To support the creation of enterprises as a potential source for self-employment
  • To promote sustainable livelihoods for or young people through the entrepreneurship development, support to business development services, micro-finance, skills development and training and up -scaling innovative projects, lessons learnt and successful experiences.
  • To create more and better youth enterprises

    We believe youth should be empowered to grasp the opportunities and overcome the challenges of globalization so that they can make their contribution to the economy through enhanced access to more productive jobs

Mustafa Bello Foundation for Small Enterprise Development
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